Friday, February 1, 2013

Love Therapy

The earth and humanity have been beset with problems related to health, relationships, and the availability of resources since time began. We have tried resolving the issues with the help of herbs, chemicals, religion, philosophy, counselling, political systems, governments, science, engineering, and other modalities to no avail. We still continue to be overwhelmed by our problems.

The discovery of herbs and drugs did bring some relief to the area of health, but in many cases the side effects are worse than the disease. Religions, philosophy, psycological sciences, political systems, and governments did succeed to some extent to resolve our relationship issues. However, more wars have been fought over religious, political, and ideaological differences than over other issues. Our financial systems helped regulate the generation and distribution of resources. However, all our resource generation and distribution systems are in a bigger mess today than they have ever been.

If you look at the intricate design of all things in nature starting from the smalles atom to the largest galaxy, everything seems to be perfectly designed to make things work to their optimum capacity. So is there a flaw only in the design of humanity which has laid waste to the resources of the earth? Or is it possible that in looking for a solution we somehow missed an important piece of the puzzle available to us in nature, in the original design? I think the answer is in the latter question. We have somehow missed out on harnessing the power of a subtle and ordinary looking energy called love.

Most people dismiss love as just a feeling experienced by young couples, family or group members, or reduce it to just the sexual drive. However, love is more than that. It is an energy just like fire energy, heat energy, light energy, and atomic energy, just a trillion times more powerful. Though science does not yet have instruments to measure or harness it, it is a very real energy with the power to do much more than fire, light, heat or atoms.

I first became aware of love as an energy when my then fiance and present wife demonstrated a strange ability to scoop out something from my heart, look at her fingers and then let me know how much of love I was generating at that instant. At first, I thought she was just imagining it. However, her accuracy in being able to tell me exactly how much of love I felt at any particular time convinced me that what she was observing was some very real phenomenon. When I asked her what she scooped out and observed on her fingers, she told me it was some kind of light, but not the kind of light that we normally relate to.

Some time later, when I was doing my meditation, I became aware of tiny ball of light that moved wherever I took my attention in my body. If I had some ache or pain anywhere in my body, I merely had to hold my attention there. The light ball would make its way to that area and very soon the ache or pain would disappear. After some research, I found out that this light ball could be what the Chinese arts call "Chi".

Upon further research I found out that the Chinese have been using chi energy since thousands of years for all kinds of things including healing, martial arts, and even to make fire. You can check this video on YouTube where a chi practitioner demostrates how he can generate fire using chi energy: Chi Fire. I wonder if this is how "Chi-na" got its name, since the entire nation seems to be quite advanced in the science of chi.

Chi is a vey natural subtle energy not yet discovered by western science. Yet, as demonstrated by the exponents of tai chi, chi gong and other chi based arts that it is a very real energy with very real results. Is it not possible that there may be even subtler forms of natural energy not yet discovered by human sciences? Logically, I think, there should be--love energy may be one such. Since the time I first noticed the phenomenon, I have used the power of love energy to heal several areas of my life. The result has been most demonstrable in the area of my health. It's been about 12 years now since I made this discovery. Since then I have hardly ever had any kind of sickness--not even a cough. I used to suffer from very painful sinusitis headaches earlier. However, since the last 12 years I have not had a singe attack of sinusitis. If ever I feel a bit under the weather, I need just an hour to bounce back since I immediately teat myself with the Love Therapy techniques I have developed. I use the same techniques to heal my family. In fact, my 5-year old son has never ever been treated by a physician for any sickness.

Most people find it difficult to accept that a commonplace feeling like love can heal. This is because what we have been mistaking for love may not be love at all. The attraction or attachement we feel for the opposite sex may not be love at all. The love that works in love therapy is something more subtle. It's more like the love that wells in your heart when you do an act of charity.

To start practicing this therapy:

  1. Keep one palm on your spiritual heart and the other outstretched to the area or situation you wish to heal. You can also send healing to someone at a distance. If it is a situation you wish to heal (e.g. finances), just imagine it's a person in front of you and send healing to that person.
  2. Visualize blilliant light flowing from the sky and the earth below, meeting inside your spiritual heart and then flowing out of your outstretched palm towards the area or person that needs healing.
  3. Accept responsibility for the situation (even if you are healing someone else) by saying "I take responsibility. While doing this beat your breast with the hand on your spiritual heart. Please cleanse me." Repeat this a few times until you feel genuine repentance. This is preparation required for love energy to start flowing in.
  4. Say, "Dear Universal Love, please flow through this area or person and all such areas or persons open to you to heal and bless." 
  5. Chant "Universal Love" for about 5 to 15 minutes while visualizing the light flowing from your hands. You could even improvise an original tune if inspired to do so. Repeat the treatment as often as you can until you get the desired result. Keep at it. It works.
Experiment with an open mind and dedication. Let me know about your progress and write for clarifications.